
10 Lincoln Douglas Debate Case Outline

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10 Lincoln Douglas Debate Case Outline
Lincoln Douglas Debate Case Outline
Affirmative / Negative
(Circle One)

(Introductory Quote)

It is because I agree with (author and qualifications) __________________________________________________________________ in the position that (main idea) _________________________________________
_________________________________________, that I feel compelled to affirm / negate today’s resolution, Resolved: ___________________________________

For clarification of today’s round, I offer the following (if negative put in the word counter) definitions:
Source: _______________________________________________
Word: ___________________ Definition: ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Source: _______________________________________________
Word: ___________________ Definition: ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Source: _______________________________________________
Word: ___________________ Definition: ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Source: _______________________________________________
Word: ___________________ Definition: ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________
The highest value within today’s round is _______________________. (The value) ________________ is defined as ______________________________
(The value) ___________________ is most important in today’s round because ________________________________________________________________

The best criterion for evaluating this

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