
Abdomen Anatomy Mcq

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Abdomen Anatomy Mcq
9. The spleen is situated in the:
A. Right Upper Hypocondrium
B. Left Upper Hypochondrium, protected by ribs IX-XI C.

18. The pancreatic duct of the pancreas
A. Joins the common hepatic duct
B. Begins in the tail of the pancreas
C. Empties to the duodenum at minor duodenal papilla
D. Can be closed by sphincter of Oddi
E. After entering the pancreatic head turns superiorly

42. The common hepatic duct:
A. Drains the bile and pancreatic secretion
B. Is formed by fusion of hepatic and cystic duct ( =common bile duct)
C. Runs with the portal vein the lesser omentum
D. Is formed by fusion of right and left bile duct
E. None of above

(is formed by the fusion of right and left hepatic duct, joins the cystic duct and forms the common bile duct)

1. By the union of the bile duct and cystic duct is formed
A. Common hepatic duct
B.Common bile duct
C.Common cystic duct
D. Hepatopancreatic duct
E.None of above

22 If you make a incisure through anterior abdominal wall, which layer’s will you penetrate, except
A. Camper's fascia
B. Scarpa’s fascia
C. Transversalis fascia
D. Deep Fascia
E. Renal Fascia

24. The foregut begins and ends respectively
A. With abdominal esophagus / on ileo-cecal flexure
B. With descending part of duodenum / before the left colic flexure
C. With abdominal part of esophagus / on descending part of duodenum
D. With thoracic part of esophagus / before the right colic flexure
E. None of above

27. The cisterna Chyli is located
A.At vertebrae level T12-L1
B.At vertebrae level L2-L4
C.At vertebrae level L5-S1
D. Posterior to the aorta L1 to L2
E. Anterior to the aorta

32. A physican who is trying to distinguish between jejunum and ileum has observed that the jejunum has:
A. fewer plicae circulars
B. fewer mesenteric arterial arcades
C. Longer vasa recta
D. Shorter vasa recta
E. more fat in its mesentery

70. Jejunum in comparison with ileum is/has: A. Longer B. Small in diameter C. Thicker wall (sid 274 grays) D. Shorter vasa recta

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