
Abortion: Fertilization Of The Zygote

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Abortion: Fertilization Of The Zygote
Hunter Medine
7 April 2016
PROPER HEADING GOES HERE…. Abortion, as defined by Oxford Dictionary, is “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy” (CITATION GOES HERE). Interestingly, multiple states have laws that make abortion illegal after the first twenty weeks of pregnancy. There are even states that abortion is completely illegal at any time, regardless of the term of pregnancy. One might wonder why some states would allow abortion while other states are completely against it. It all comes down to the determination of when life actually begins. Supporters of the Pro-Life point of view believe that life begins at conception or fertilization of the zygote, and with the supportive
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First off, when scientists define a living organism, the human zygote meets all of the requirements. From the moment of fertilization, the zygote begins developmental processes that classify it to be a living organism, a living human. Controversially, it is said that at conception and for the first few weeks of pregnancy, only a mass of cells is present. Sure, there human fetus may be a mass of cells initially, but that mass of cells is working towards higher development and growth, which are signs of a living organism. Pro-Choice supporters also try to argue that a woman should have the ability to choose what to do with her own body. Of course she should have that right, however, science says that the human zygote is something entirely of its own, possessing DNA that is completely unique from the mother and anyone else that has ever existed. Therefore, by choosing to undergo an abortion procedure, she is in fact killing another living human being, a crime punishable by many years in prison if the baby were actually …show more content…
Of course abortion is a factor in population control, but here in the United States, there is no need for population control of children when there is over two million couples waiting to adopt and each year there is only approximately one hundred and fifty thousand children available for adoption. The demand for adoptable children is huge and its steadily growing as infertility rates are growing. The supply does not meet the demand; instead of aborting unwanted children, women should place their unwanted children up for adoption. Not only would they be fulfilling the wishes of couples who cannot conceive but they would also be preserving a life instead of taking

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