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Bibl 104 New testament

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Bibl 104 New testament
The genre of this book is gospel. The key theme of John is Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he is the one who gives everlasting life. Key characters in this book are Jesus, John the Baptist, Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene. The first part of John tells of Jesus’ ministry and teachings. John tells of how Jesus performed miracles such as healing the lame and blind and bringing Lazarus back from death. The story of the feeding of the five thousand is also mentioned in John. In chapters 13-17 John tells of Jesus’ time just before his death and resurrection. Here, Jesus prays for His disciples and for Himself. The last part of the book tells of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here, He is crucified on the cross after being trialed and convicted illegally. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene after arising from His tomb. He also appears to His disciples.

The genre of this book is narrative. The key theme of Acts is showing the reader how believers in Jesus were empowered by the Holy Ghost to spread His Word throughout the world. Key characters are Paul, Peter, John, Stephen, Timothy, and James. The author of Acts is Luke. The beginning chapters tell of the Church starting from infancy. Peter delivers a wonderful sermon to the Jews. As a result, three thousand people accepted Christ as their Savior. The apostles start spreading the Word to different areas. Luke tells of how Stephen is falsely accused and stoned to death. The Apostle Paul (originally named Saul) has a life altering experience while traveling to Damascus. Before being convicted by the Holy Spirit, Paul oppressed early Christians. The last parts of Acts tell of the gospel being spread to the Gentiles. Paul travels to Macedonia with Silas to spread the gospel. Paul then travels to Jerusalem and gets arrested and is imprisoned.

The genre of this book is epistle. The purpose of Hebrews was to show Christians that Jesus Christ was perfect and greater than anything Judaism had to offer. The author wrote Hebrews to a group of Christians that were debating returning back to Judaism and reverting back to their old ways. Unlike other books in the New Testament, Hebrews brings focus on the Old Testament. In early chapters of Hebrews, the author presents to the reader the power of the Word. He also tells that,” faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”(11:1) The author gives us great examples of the faithful people from the Old Testament and tells of having faith in Jesus is the basis of our salvation. The author conveys to the recipients of Hebrews that straying away from faith will have consequences and that they not turn away from the Truth.

The genre of this book is epistle. The purpose of James was to encourage Jewish believers to live great Christian lives and to continue growing in faith. The key characters in James are himself and Jewish Christians. James teaches the relationship between faith and works and how faith should be put into action. He states that we should not only listen to the Word but be doers of the Word and that good works are not the cause of salvation. Good works are the result of salvation. He tells the believers that everyone is a sinner and if even one of the Ten Commandments is broken, then all are broken. James then instructs that we should submit to God and serve Him and to turn away from evil. He ends the letter telling us to be patient in suffering and to pray for one another. He also expresses to us the importance of living in faith.

The genre of this book is apocalyptic. The purpose of Revelation is to give hope to all of us and to continue to watch for the return of the King. It also gives of warning of the Final Judgment and what nonbelievers will have to endure. The author of Revelation is John. He explains how an angel comes to him in a vision instructing him to send letters to seven churches about his revelation. The book tells of how the final days will be on earth and how there will be an Anti-Christ that will rule until God throws him into the Lake of Fire. John tells of plagues that will be cast onto the world and he speaks of the final resting place of the non-believer. They will show the wrath of God’s judgment on the wicked. Lastly, John describes the New Heaven and the New Jerusalem. There will be no tears, crying, or death!

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