
Christian Theology

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Christian Theology
1. Doctrine is defined by as “a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government” (“doctrine”). This means that the doctrine of scripture can be taken as the lessons and teachings we take from scripture itself. But why is it that we use these doctrines as Christians, why is it that we take these words to heart? All scripture is inspired by God. “Inspired means, literally ‘God-breathed’” (Stewart). This means that the doctrine of scripture is the word of God written through somebody else. The scripture that we read today are the words that God wanted an author to record so that people could read and understand the scripture as He wanted us to. 2 Peter 1:21 says “For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (NIV). This scripture shows that although humans were the ones to write out the scripture and to record it they were only able to do this through the inspiration of God. Acts 28:25 tells us that “the Holy Spirit spoke the truth to your ancestors when he said through Isaiah the prophet” (NIV). This shows that God has been speaking to us through scripture for many years, and as long as the Bible is still around He will continue to speak to us through scripture. Because the doctrine of scripture is God-breathed and written through God that means that scripture is inerrant and infallible. To be inerrant means to have no errors, or perfect. The scripture must be inerrant or else that would mean that God is not perfect. If there was a mistake in the scripture then that would mean that God made a mistake and would mean that God is not perfect. The doctrine of scripture is also infallible. According to infallible is defined as “absolutely trustworthy or sure” or “unfailing in effectiveness or operation; certain” (“infallible”). When talking about the doctrine of scripture and

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