
Enlightenment Ideas In Common Sense

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Enlightenment Ideas In Common Sense
The Enlightenment marked a turning point in the way literate individuals viewed their positions in society and the powers that controlled them. Philosophes of the eighteenth century began to voice opinions questioning the absolute authority of monarchical governments and their ability to impose strict arbitrary laws on citizens. Their thoughts were expressed in a way that promoted discussion between most all citizens. Ideas such as trust in the power of human reasoning, the ability to question authority, and the natural human right of liberty were fundamental beliefs that defined Enlightenment thinking. Thomas Paine's Common Sense pamphlet echoes these core beliefs and places them in a context that is, and was at the time of its publication, accessible to even the simplest literate member of society. By analyzing the ideas presented in Common Sense, an apparent connection can be seen in Paine's arguments and the arguments generated during the Enlightenment period. The power of human reasoning is a major concept stemming from accomplishments …show more content…
Trust in the power of human reasoning, the ability to question authority, and the natural human rights of liberty are all Enlightenment ideas that helped shape individuals thoughts on government and the rights in which it should uphold. Thomas Paine took these ideas and molded them to fit the changing political arena of America. By calling his readers to reason for themselves, Paine was able to convince some colonists that separating from the mother country would be the most beneficial decision for America. In questioning British authority in the colonies and the lack of representation given to colonists, Paine showed that Britain was imposing on natural rights of liberty. Had it not been for the discussions prompted by the Enlightenment, Common Sense would not have its' basic message that society should be free from

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