
Examples Of God In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Examples Of God In To Kill A Mockingbird
America: One Nation Under God

Religion: the one things many Christians cannot agree upon. America consists of many denominations, each one thinking they worship the right way. As Christians, we also try and force our ways of worship onto other people. This is especially true in the mission field. We create so much division among ourselves, yet God wants us to come together and stand strong in His Word. Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird displays such division and force not only in the white community, but in the black community as well. Restriction from attending the black church, leading a young girl to falsely believe that the people in her life symbolize perfect Christianity, and pointing out another person’s wrong are all
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“It’s the same God, ain’t it” (170)? These words are words every Christian strives to live by. Accepting how another culture worships helps us evangelize. Different cultures accept Christ when the Gospel is presented in a way familiar to them. Jesus welcomed Jew and Gentile to eat with him and we should live by Jesus’ example.

“You live in a Christian home with Christian folks in a Christian town” (307). This sentence was terrible mistake made by Mrs. Merriweather. She tried to make Scout believe that Maycomb is what perfect Christianity looked like. Scout possesses enough sense to make the right assumptions. As a young child it is easy to see people we love and look up to as perfect. Unfortunately Maycomb isn’t a perfect Christian town as many of its inhabitants like to believe. Ignorance leads to misguidance.

Mrs. Merriweather has a good idea of witnessing the Gospel, but falls short in her tactics. “’Sophy,’ I said, ‘you simply are not being Christian today. Jesus Christ never went around grumbling and complaining,’” (308). Another common mistake we Christians sometimes make is correcting someone else’s un-Christian like attitude, when we should correct our own attitude. Accepting our sins is the first step towards repentance, our sins just keep on piling up without it. Making it harder for us to share the Gospel with those

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