
Examples Of Selfishness In Romeo And Juliet

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Examples Of Selfishness In Romeo And Juliet
{Name} {Teacher} World Liturature 11/29/12 What's to Blame? Final Edit "A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his neighbor's"(Richard Whately). This statement is saying that a person is not selfish if they care about their own well-being, but are selfish if they do not care about others well-being. This kind of selfishness is shown in the story, Romeo and Juliet. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet selfishness is shown by the Friar in his actions and words. The Friar is more focused on making himself look better than he actually is. Friar Lawrence …show more content…
Almost everything the Friar does is to make his plan succeed, the plan is for people to see him the best friar in Verona. After Romeo requsests the Friar to wed the two, the Friar says, “In one respect I’ll thy assistance be, for this alliance may be so happy prove to turn your household rancor to pure love” (II.III.97-99). This evidence is showing that the Friar is willing to put Romeo and Juliet’s lives at stake. Shakespeare had the Friar potray a perfect example of selfishness by having him give Romeo his word to wed the two behind everyone’s back. Shakespeare did this to show that the Friar makes decisions for his own good, to make it seem as if the Friar is such a peacemaker. This instant could have very well been the ticket to Romeo and Juliet’s death. If that doesn't show how desperatley selfish the Friar is. Later in the story the Friar says, "Come, I'll dispose of thee among a sisterhood of holy nuns" (V.III.156-157). This explicit evidence shows that the reason the Friar suggested this to Juliet was because he gave Juliet the poisin and he is the reason Romeo and Paris are dead. So the Friar figured this would be a way for him to not get in trouble for all his wrong doings, which is extremely selfish. If he was caught, he would look very bad. Shakespeare showed how important the Friar's personal image is for him, by …show more content…
For the Friar's plan to be carried out exactly how he wanted them to, he will make sure everything goes as planned, which again is selfish. Before Juliet goes home to drink the vial, the Friar states, "Hold, then; go home, be merry, give consent to marry Paris: Wednesday is tomorrow: Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone; Let not thy nurse lie with thee in thy chamber" (IV.I.89-92). Here Friar Lawrence is demanding Juliet to do exactly what he says in order for his plan to work. He knows that Juliet will do whatever he tells her to do. He is being extremley minipulitave with the circumstances and only thinking about himself. The Friar is not just willing to put Romeo and Juliet under bad circumstance for his own sake, but wholes families under bad circumstances. Shakespeare used the Friars commanding attitude to show an aspect to Friar Lawrences selfishness. During the Friar's explanation of Juliets procedure to drink the potion, he says, "Take thou this vial, being then in bed, and this distilling liquor drink thou off; when presently through all thy veins hall run a cold and drowsy humor; for no pulse shall keep this native progress, but surcease" (IV.I.95-98). The Friar is literaly telling Juliet to drink a potion to make her seem lifless so her family will think she is dead. Just so she and Romeo can run away together, since he is now banished. Completley aware that the Capulets will be devastated. Shakespeare wrote

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