
How does Napoleon use persuasive language and propaganda to seize and maintain power?

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How does Napoleon use persuasive language and propaganda to seize and maintain power?
How does Napoleon use persuasive language and propaganda to seize and maintain power?

George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm, is an allegory that compares the animals and “animalism” to communism in Russia during the 20th century. Stalin is portrayed as Napoleon, and Snowball as Trotsky, in a battle to gain complete authority over their society. The farm animals portray the ignorant and oppressed Russian people of the era. Throughout the duration of Animal Farm, there is a continuous use of propaganda and persuasive techniques in order to manipulate what the animals believe to be real. Napoleons aim throughout the novel is to convince the animals that they are “comrades” and that they are fighting for the same cause. In order to mislead these animals into believing his dishonest views on how they should run their society, Napoleon adapts every opportunity he has to his advantage. Squealer, perhaps, is one of his strongest persuasive methods of luring the animals in with his twisted words and propaganda.
From the beginning, Napoleon is already marked as being a prominent pig because of his respected position within the farm and his “reputation for getting his own way.” It is clear to see that both Snowball and Napoleon regard themselves as being capable leaders, however, neither wants the other to overpower them. Napoleon starts to act as a representative for those animals who are unable to express themselves in the debates, and he tries to convince the other animals that Snowball’s views should be disregarded. As a natural, vivacious and articulate spokesman, Snowball is a popular debater and quickly earns the attention of many of the animals. This comes as a major obstacle for Napoleon and his rise to power. It was obvious to see that before long, Snowball would become the unquestionable leader of Animal Farm and would certainly threaten Napoleons position.
When, despite Napoleons efforts, Snowball managed to get most of the animals’ support on the matter of

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