
Moral Dilemma in The Lord of the Flies

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Moral Dilemma in The Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies Character Deal With Their Moral Dilemmas As humans we tend to lose our morals when we are around certain people, or in certain situations. Through life we are confronted with obstacles that test our sense of strength and character. How we choose to demonstrate our character is entirely up to each individual; some will choose to benefit and grow while others will choose to fall.

William Golding shows a similar situation as the characters in Lord of The Flies grapple with their moral dilemmas once they are not sheltered by their safe environment.

On the island a well-structured society was formed. The boys demonstrated there strength and character in a diplomatic way. They demonstrated this by electing a leader, having meetings, and having an ordered life like they were used to. The conch was the center of the meetings; whoever had it was the only person allowed to talk. The conch symbolized leadership and civilization. Unfortunally, later in the book the conch breaks and Piggy dies. " The rock struck Piggy with a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist pg 181." All of civilization and leadership as the boys knew it was gone. This was a major turning point in the story, because at that time Ralph chose to not give up his civilized life, while the others chose to leave behind the life they knew. The boys who turned from what they knew soon started leading a split and chaotic life. There was no longer a since of order and democracy. Instead, the tribe was run by one chief and one way only; to kill and hunt violently. The conch was gone as well as there civilized life.

When placed in a position to prove their strength and power, the boys soon found themselves fighting for the role of dominance. It was important on the island for each boy to demonstrate their strength to one another. Their civilization continued to fall when Roger started out throwing rocks to show his power towards

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