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Nature of Thought

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Nature of Thought
Nature of Thought Paper

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August 25, 2010
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Nature of Thought

The nature of thought plays a key role in our everyday lives. Thinking, sensing, memory, perceptions, personal barriers, and thoughts are major contributors to the nature of thought process. “What do I exude as the average of my thoughts?” What is the quality of those thoughts? Are they good and bad, negative or positive, tempered or relaxed? This paper will describe my nature of thought and how it influences my views. Thinking and Sensing Thinking is the process of using ones mind to consider something carefully. In order to think an individual must use his or her senses. We as humans are very sensual beings. If we were to go to a theme park and stand in line for an extreme rollercoaster we have never experienced before with flips, spins, high drops, and super speed, that makes everyone who rode it scream; there is no doubt that seeing and hearing those things would effect your thinking, either we would get scared or excited, or perhaps both. The assumption, “ There is nothing in the mind unless it is first in the senses,” this basically states that our brains would be empty if we couldn’t use our senses, and in the nature of thought this holds truth. Perceptions Enhancing ones perceptions on things is important for examining the information that is sent to our brains. Our senses can be deceiving. The perceptions on the situations we observe determine how we absorb the information. Therefore, it is important that we get the facts correct, that we have accurate observations, and recognize that appearances are not always what they seem; that our past experiences or personal barriers determine how we view what we observe. Memory. Memory is the ability to recall past occurrences in our lives, and they are forever changing. “When memories are laid in the brain, the neurons related to those memories undergo physical changes. Neurons branch out to make more connections, and they become able to fire more efficiently, needing less neurotransmitter stimulation.” (University of Phoenix, 2007, para. 43). There are different kinds of memory, such as semantic memory, perceptual-motor memory, and episodic memories. Each memory type we use from day-to-day. For example, having the ability to do math problems is an example of ones semantic memory, or using your perceptual-motor memory to operate and drive a vehicle. Without the ability to store information and recall past events we as a species would be in dire trouble. That’s why it is important to use memory-enhancing techniques such as make information meaningful, using mnemonic techniques, and most importantly practice! Memory is like a muscle and it needs to be exercised so that it can grow. The medium. The medium of our thinking is language. Language holds most of our lives wrapped in its words. Metaphorically speaking it is the heat to the fire or the wind in the trees, it enables us to think with words. Language permits you to think, and therefore understand what you are reading. According to University of Phoenix Thinking (2007), Language can enable, limit or structure your thinking. Language shapes the sorting, creating, deciding, and judging of your thinking. It is what allows us to interpret our thinking inputs. Language reflects on what we are as a civilization and is a host for its ideals. It is only as good as the minds that have molded it, and is only handy to us if we integrate it. It reflects an intelligent and ever learning society and creates many outlets for us as a society. However, it can hinder our thinking at times. Real Situation One instance I can remember in which my perception of a situation was far from the actual facts was when I was in the military working as a Plane Captain and my job was to inspect aircrafts before they were able to fly. A fellow co-worker and myself deciding to split up the work and I took the lower half of the jet and she took the upper half. While I was doing my inspection, I would occasionally take a step back or so to view her as she did her inspection since I would be held responsible for her work as well. I thought she was doing her job effectively and thoroughly, however I was sadly mistaken. After we completed the inspection we signed for the jet to be released so that the pilots could complete their mission. The aircraft took off and about twenty minutes later the jet came back with one of the top panels blown off because it had not been securely fastened. Because of my false perceptions and past experiences with my fellow co-worker I believed that she was doing a thorough job, endangering four pilots’ lives and risking a catastrophic event. The lessons I learned about my thinking process was that I thought she knew what she was doing and instead of asking and using language to empower the situation, I chose to keep quite and trust she knew the proper procedures. Perceptual blocks. Perceptual blocks that hinder me at times vary by what situation I find myself. Recently, it has been the topic of gay marriage and equal rights in general. I myself as a gay man view the subject differently than some heterosexuals do. It is hard for me to understand why some have such strong feelings about the topic. I myself have always been the mediator when it comes to taboo subjects because of my un-biased opinions. I have always been good at stepping back and taking in both sides of the situation, but because of the personal barriers I have on the subject of gay marriage and equal rights, I have been unable to do so. Personal Barriers. Personal barriers can be emotional, opinionated, and ones sided dialogue that we use instead of using contrasting arguments. If the subject we are talking about brings forth strong emotions from us, it is important that we think carefully and neutrally to prevent any misthinking. Thoughts about certain subjects can thwart our thinking and can become stereotypical and one-sided. Thoughts. The definition of thoughts in regards to critical thinking is a way of taking up problems in life. For example, when someone is offended, their thoughts automatically shift to what they are offended by. A good way to explain how barriers can influence thought in an individual is by understanding that there are many different personal barriers rather it be race, sexuality, religion, or political beliefs, being able to control your thoughts about those subjects are important in thinking and communicating your thoughts. We must have a clear understanding of what it is we are trying to say without misleading or having others perceive us as offensive. We do not want our personal wishes, or prides overpower our good sense. Conclusion We as a society use the nature of thought daily. It is what allows us to make decisions and to turn those decisions into thoughts, and those thoughts into a reality. Senses and emotions can hinder or empower our thoughts depending on our personal barriers and our perceptual thought processes. We must take care that our thoughts not overwhelm our good sense and to not allow our perceptions be manipulated or to change our thought process.

Kirby, G.R., & Goodpaster, J.R. (2007). Thinking:An interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking(4ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

References: Kirby, G.R., & Goodpaster, J.R. (2007). Thinking:An interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking(4ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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