
Obesity Vs Freewill

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Obesity Vs Freewill
Obesity Vs. Freewill “ You are free to make your choices, but you are not free to choose the consequences” -Unknown The American obesity epidemic has long been blamed on the fast food industry. For decades convenience, advertising and affordability have all been the scapegoat for those who are unwilling to take responsibility for their own actions. I constantly wonder why we demonize the fast food industry without ever once scalding those who choose eat it by their own free will. Free will can be defined as a free and independent choice. Since no one is forcing us to eat what we know is unhealthy for us the reason why some still choose to do so can only be explained by free will. Therefore the fast food industry should not be …show more content…
The fact is obesity is not a disease and classifying it as one is where the problem truly begins. Obesity might cause diseases (as stated above) and there might be an illnesses that makes it easier to become obese, but obesity itself - the condition of having excessive amounts of body fat is not a disease. Calling obesity a disease is like stabbing yourself in the arm, then claiming your bicep wound is an “illness.” Sure, the wound might become infected and cause a disease but the wound itself is simply a result of your …show more content…
So how might one exercise free will while eating? The answer is quite simple and portion control is a good place to start. If you are someone who is struggling with your weight challenge yourself to eat less. Research shows that people unintentionally consume more calories when served larger portions (WHO) which can lead to excess calorie intake. Whether you eye-ball or measure your servings, eating smaller portions is an important step to becoming healthier. This is a good exercise of free will because shows the free and independent choice of choosing to eat less even though most Americans are conditioned to overeat. Free will can also be exemplified by simply choosing not to eat so regularly at one of the many the fast food chains that surround the typical American’s environment. Free will does not have to be difficult or a huge sacrifice. By making small yet very significant changes to one’s lifestyle and by choosing not to be a victim in culture that caters to the helplessness and insecurities of others it shows determination and inspires

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