
Personal Narrative: My Transition To College

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Personal Narrative: My Transition To College
As I have begun my transition to college I’ve often questioned my enrollment and asked myself if I am truly ready for this next chapter in my life, or am I going to end up like the rest of my family before me. I am by all mean a first generation student and I’ve often seen that as a good thing as I will be apple to advance my family, but now as time has passed I’ve been able to see that pushing through won’t be easy. My sense of my own identity alone will be my bane and until I can truly find out where I belong I've got a lot of work cut out for me. I really don’t know what kind of person I am, most of the time I feel like I am a very timid,but prideful guy, but there does come a time where I feel more comfortable with myself and go out there, and that is where I aim to be all the time, but until I understand where I belong in society I won't be able to do so. When it comes to getting help I tend to isolate myself and try to do things my way instead of asking others for help. I quickly learned that this is not the way to go by living, and that from time to time I will need others help whether I want it or not. Simply …show more content…
Thankfully my family has been extremely supportive of me as i approach college in hopes that I may be able to get our family out of the conditions that we currently live in. One of my biggest supporters has been my older brother as he has actually gone through parts of college, and while he did not finish his studies he did learn a lot from his time studying and he has made it his mission to ensure my graduation from college. My family will be my backbone these next few years and I am extremely grateful for their support, but there may come a time where I will have to choose between them and my studies, and all I hope for is that they understand my decision instead of alienating

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