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Persuasive Essay

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Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Essay

It seems like in this generation, that students in schools aren't doing as well as the previous generations. Students seemed to be fiddling with more of technology, sports and other subjects that does not relate to academics. Where in the past generations, kids received better grades and had greater work because of the ‘easy’ educational system. Although now that more and more work is given to the students by the teachers, some of the results are not satisfactory enough. Though this may be the case, I do not believe that the superintendent should eliminate the nonacademic classes.
To begin with, some nonacademic subjects supply the students with basic needs. If those basic needs are taken away, then the students will only learn the academics, which will take a chunk out of their knowledge. Just like how a human is just taught all the important tasks and none of fun activities, it wouldn't be healthy just to practice all the reading and writing. What about art and music? Academics are quite important, but some do not take the nonacademic subjects more seriously when everyone should be able to have at least the basic skills of cooking, art, health, etc. Just sitting around reading, writing, does not fulfill the needs of one’s needs. Also, it isn't very healthy, since physical education is taken out as part in the ‘nonacademic’.
If physical education is taken out, then likely health would be. It is not safe to not teach the students the main idea of the human body, anything including health. Some students might want to take another route to their future job, or business. They might not just want to do the academics, but also the nonacademic subjects. Schools should be responsible into teaching their pupils into well-rounded people. Success in life should be the ultimate goal of a student, which requires more than academic knowledge, but also practical life skills such as cooking, good communication skills and teamwork spirit. Teamwork spirit and communication skills could mostly be learned in art, physical education and such, since everyone need to work together to create a masterpiece or at least learn to work with another.
Pupils can always find the nonacademic outside of school, for example art, cooking, sports, and learn them there, instead of inside the school. Sure this could be a good case, but some students might not have enough money or time outside of school. They might want to learn those during school since they could be busy in the afternoon. Some people may argue that students can learn practical skills after school hours from their parents. However, that is not a good idea because most young people would rather watch TV or play computer games after school instead of learning life skills from their parents. Moreover, parents are usually too busy with their daily jobs to teach their children the life skills.
To close this, not many people are taking nonacademic subjects more seriously. Someday, you might have a chance of finding your gifted talent or your interest early in some fields such as sports, cooking, painting, etc. so that you can have the orientations and make right decision about your career. Non-subjects may lay foundation in your future. Maybe someday you will become a famous football player or a chef, thanks to the stimulation in football matches or cooking class in education. Nonacademic subjects are not more important than academic subjects but should not be neglected either. Therefore, our school should not remove the subjects.

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