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How are the themes of power and pride presented in ‘Great Expectations’?

Great Expectations is a novel written by Charles Dickens during the times of the industrial revolution. Dickens wrote this novel to show the inequality between people (shown in class systems) and also how a change in class can lead to a change in person; he does this through the use of themes such as Pride and Power. However, he also highlights that the lower class people also had pride (for e.g. Joe). Charles Dickens shows pride as something that all humans tend to have. In "Great Expectations", Dickens shows that the character Joe's pride is something to keep him going and is so precious to him that he is seen to take offense when he may have felt his pride to be dented. “Which I meantersay, that if you come into my place bull baiting and badgering me come out! Which I meantersay as sech if you’re a man come on!”…”Stand or fall by!” In these quotes Joe is basically telling Mr Jaggers not to come in to his house and disrespect him, he then proceeds to tell Mr Jaggers to either fight like a man or stand by. This shows that Joe takes great pride in his surroundings because he is prepared to fight Mr Jaggers to right any wrongdoings.
However, Pip believes that Joe needs to be taught better manners if he wants to associate himself with Pip so as not to harm Pip’s image. This shows Pip’s pride in himself as he is putting his needs before the man that helped raise him; Joe acted like a father figure for Pip and yet Pip would rather be seen as a gentleman in society’s eyes, as a result, he begins to doubt whether or not Joe is good for his life anymore. You could argue that by showing the contrast in the two ‘types’ of pride, Dickens could be saying that in society people have to adjust their pride to fit their class in order to maintain their status, however is that is the case, then is anyone truly proud? Can a person be proud if he changes his pride and culture just to look good in society’s eyes? Pip's pride is changing because he has been changed into a gentleman and therefore thinks he is a classier, better human being. Whereas, Joes pride stems from the fact that he has very little, so what he has he isn’t ashamed of and values it dearly. You could argue that Charles Dickens is saying that pride does not matter what social class or group you are in. It is a natural thing and is not limited to just one definition, thus, it can be a gift or a curse depending on how it is used.
A figure of power in Great Expectations is Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham was a woman of high status, however, she was also a broken woman who turned her back on love for men, due to her heartbreak on what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life-her wedding day. Ever since that day everything involved with Satis house seemed to lose life-“So unchanging was the dull old house, the yellow light in the darkened room, the faded spectre in the chair by the dressing table glass, that I felt as if the stopping of the clocks had stopped. Time in that mysterious place, and, while everything outside grew older, it stood still.” This is a description of Satis house that can be used to show Miss Havisham’s power as she seems to have stopped robbed the house of any shine it had. She Estella because Estella was a presumed Orphan that she had full custody of, as a result she was completely in control of her. This is shown in the way she plants the idea in Estella’s mind to break Pip’s heart after Pip’s first encounter with them both-“I thought I overheard Miss Havisham say-only it seemed so unlikely-“Well? You can break his heart. ”Miss Havisham’s manipulation over Pip and Estella has lasting damages, as the two of them never truly fall in love due to(especially) Estella’s inability to feel affection. Estella is also shown to have power. She breaks Pips heart, insulting him by calling him coarse and common, whilst all the while causing Pip to fall in love with her, due to her beautiful looks. Showing that Estella had power over Pip because ever since that day Pip never stopped loving her and believing that she could love him even after she reveals that she has no heart. She is also shown to affect Miss Havisham, which could be a symbol of her power. She shows coldness towards Miss Havisham and this affects Miss Havisham so bad she describes her as “stock and stone”; when asked by Estella what she wants from her Miss Havisham replied “Love!” Once again showing that she has power over people who yearn for affection from her. Dickens could be trying to say that love is in some cases too powerful, thus, it affects people’s lives on a big scale. This leads to love becoming dangerous weapon when used by the wrong people (such as Estella and Miss Havisham).
You could argue that power is shown in Pip when he rips apart the curtains in Satis house. You could say this shows power because it is symbolising the end of Miss Havisham’s reign at Satis house and thus prevents Estela from carrying on the way Miss Havisham did. The anger and disgust Pip shows when ripping the curtains could also represent his feelings toward Miss Havisham at the way she toyed with him, due to this, you could argue that Pip is showing power over her by storming through her home and seemingly seizing control. Also, Dickens could be saying that love conquers all. You could argue this as although Estella is cold towards him, sees other men and claims to not love him, Pip still feels he is responsible for her maybe because of his feelings towards her. As a result he feels it is his duty to ensure she doesn’t end up the way Miss Havisham did. The ripping away of the curtains could also represent the change that was forthcoming with the industrial revolution; Dickens could be symbolising that the industrial revolution has power of movement because it will change the order of society.
To finish off, Power and Pride are presented in Great expectations through characters and their actions. Dickens manipulates the characters to show the different effects power and pride can have on people, whilst showing how the class system in those days was a source of both. From the novel, I deduce that Dickens was try to tell people in his time that everyone has the ability to have power and pride, not just the high of class, it all depends on yourself not what society thinks (this is shown in Joe), power and pride can have lasting damages when abused and thus is not always the most important thing and finally, the perfect life is not as glamorous as it seems; it can almost cost you what should value the most-family.

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