
The Pros And Cons Of Drinking Age

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The Pros And Cons Of Drinking Age
Matt W.
English 101
Am I an Adult Yet?
Some would argue that the drinking age shouldn 't be lowered because of three very real risks, drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and violent or destructive behavior. Drunk driving is a stain on our civilization. An average of 17,000 individuals die each year in drunk driving related deaths. It seems quite plausible that were alcohol to be legalized for those under the age of 18, the 15.1% of 18 to 20 year olds who drink before getting behind the wheel would rise significantly. A brief stroll through nearly every campus in America reveals keg parties, crowded bars filled with fake ID minors, and rowdy sorority and fraternity functions. When you consider that adolescence is a time of great impulsivity and tendency for violence and destructive behavior, the dangers of legalizing alcohol for minors become that much more real.
The main problem with the United States having a drinking age of 21 is that the age of majority is 18 (19 in Alabama and Nebraska), as it is throughout most of the world. That is the age when a person assumes the legal rights and responsibilities of
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When families bring their children out to dinner they teach them restaurant educate, if the legal drinking age was lowered children would not have to hide the fact that they consume alcohol but they can learn drinking educate from their parents. There are also fewer drunk driving traffic accidents and fatalities in many countries with the drinking age of 18. Although the United States increased the drinking age to 21 in 1984, its rate of traffic accidents and fatalities in the 1980s decreased less than that of European countries whose legal drinking ages are lower than

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