
Tom Robinson Obstacles

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Tom Robinson Obstacles
Few American novels have been written since the 1960's that can compare to Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. It is true that well written literature is shaped by the history of its country. Throughout American history, an abundant amount of social and moral issues have surfaced. Lee writes about these problems throughout the novel and focuses on racism. Although there are many characters portraying these issues, Tom Robinson is the prime example of the struggles of an African American living in the 1930's. Ultimately, Tom's cultural struggles have nothing to do with his personal nature, but rather with relationships with characters and society in the '30s—as a whole. Tom Robinson is considered an “invisible man” because he is not physically …show more content…
At the trial, Tom tells the court about his experiences with Mayella which shows us the character in Tom. Mayella asks Tom to do chores for her, and Tom happily does, without being paid a penny. "No suh, not after she offered me a nickel the first time. I was glad to do it, Mr. Ewell didn't seem to help her none, and neither did the chillun, and I know she didn't have no nickels to spare" (Lee 191). Atticus and his children play a substantial part in Tom's life as well. Due to the accusations, Tom inevitably needs a lawyer. Atticus defends Tom for numerous reasons, one being to set an example for his children and the rest of Maycomb. Just because Tom is black, doesn't mean he's not a person. Atticus tells Scout repeatedly that everyone is equal, and he will fight for justice. "—and the message that most of us were enjoined to draw from the work when we were teenagers—that we must all learn to see things from another’s point of view—is the very one that Atticus Finch delivers to his children when they encounter situations or behaviors that are difficult to comprehend" (DiPiero). Atticus' roar for justice for Tom is primarily Lee's purpose for including Tom in the …show more content…
Without the horrific lies that are said about Tom Robinson, the theme of racism would lack. Although all the evidence points to Tom's innocence, the jury has to convict him. The "justification" is because he's black. This shows the racial mentality of the people in the 1930's. "The vehemence with which these traditional boundaries were maintained is at the center of Lee's novel. It is also at the center of America's single most significant legal case involving race relations, one that exploded in the public press in the 1930's" (Johnson 4). Through the character of Tom, the racism of small town Alabama is shown. Despite Maycomb's ingrained racism, Atticus defends Tom, in an attempt to change the social views of the people in the town. Atticus tries his best to prevail for justice for Tom because he thinks that one day racial equality will exist. "There's nothing more sickening to me than a low-grade white man who'll take advantage of a Negro's ignorance. Don't fool yourselves—it's all adding up and one of these days we're going to pay the bill for it. I hope it's not in you children's time" (Lee 221). Throughout the trial, there is hope that Tom and Atticus may triumph. Then, reality hits and reminds them no matter how diligent they work, Tom is an African American; he has no

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