
What Are The Consequences Of The Drop Bomb Essay

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What Are The Consequences Of The Drop Bomb Essay
The American people knew that dropping the bomb was a crucial piece to finish off the war. Because if they weren't they would know that in result that it would end in a Japanese victory. The Americans dropped the bomb to finish the war and thus was necessary as a means to win, but the consequences were extreme. Looking past the consequences in the Japanese defense it led to thousands of their people dying to a fiery inferno.

President Truman was the one that made the decision to drop the bomb, and the first citation is from his personal Memoirs in 1955. The bomb was needed to be dropped so that the Japanese would surrender to the Americans. If they didn’t more American lives would be lost. The bomb needed to be drop to end the war because
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We need to stop them before they could do any real damage to use. The American people in multiple documents supported how the bomb drop was just. In one of the documents the first one. The American people also thought it needed to happen because they needed to happen due to the total war effort. A report from the committee of social and political implications. Talks about how the work on the bomb was unknown and people were pushing for total war effort. American people were at full effort at war and everyone was still enlisted or had jobs that were making supplies for the army. They needed to end this to go back to their everyday lives. And to make sure that everything went back to the way it used to be. Everyone had jobs that were helping the war effort and wanted it to end. Everyone still was working on the supplies for the war, and people really wanted to start getting back to their normal everyday lives. The American people wanted the bomb to drop because it made for American victory. Leo Szilard, a scientist was aware of the power from the bomb. Yet didn’t expect them to actually release the power of it on innocent people. In the 5th cite it talks about the damage …show more content…
Michihiko Hachiya, experienced the power of the bomb first hand. And touched upon what he had lost the day the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Hiroshima was no longer a city, there was nothing left and it made it seem smaller. And when the bomb went off it was bright and blinding that lead to many people burning to death. The bomb was so destructive that it could level entire cities in seconds. In many people’s cases it lead to them prashing because they could not get away from the bomb fast enough. With this almost everyone who lived, or had lived in either of the cities were impacted very large. Just by looking at the bomb could lead to you going blind or instantly burned to death in a fiery brutal inferno. The people that it affected wasn’t just the people first at hand, it was for generations to come. Samuel Gladstone, reported the effects of nuclear explosions given to the US atomic energy Commision on the effects that the bomb had on people short and long term. There were three main types of effects, the blast and shock, thermal radiation, and nuclear radiation. Flesh burns were caused by the thermal radiation. And down the road the nuclear radiation led to people having birth defects and life shortening diseases. The effects of the bomb were so powerful that it could affect people years beyond the bomb was even dropped. Thermal radiation led to about ¼ of the deaths. The

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