
Women In The Trojan War

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Women In The Trojan War
Eris, the goddess, was not invited to Peleus and Thetis' wedding, who are Achilles' parents, so she decided to throw a golden apple into the party. The golden apple read, “for the fairest." Every goddess claimed it was for them, but the final decision came down to Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. They begged Zeus to make the final choice, but wisely, he refused. Zeus sent them to Paris. Each goddess bribed Paris: Hera told him he would make him lord of Europe and Asia, Athena promised to let him rampage all over Greece as a military leader, and Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman on Earth. Of course, he chooses Aphrodite and turns Hera and Athena against him. This basically sets all Trojans against Paris.
The most beautiful woman in
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The Greek couldn’t get past the walls of Troy. Seeing the horse thought it was an offering from the Gods, and they wheeled it into the city of Troy for the battle between them and Paris. They also saw that the Greek was gone, so they presumed that they give up and return back. There were great celebrations; the Trojans didn't realize that the horse had a hollow belly, and that inside, were Greek soldiers waiting until nightfall to emerge from the horse to go to war. The night came the Trojan people were well asleep and drunk from the celebration. They didn’t notice that the Greek come out from the horse and slaughtered them all while …show more content…
Some accounts have his wife, Clytemnestra, doing the dirty work. Clytemnestra is killed by her own son, Orestes, some years later. Menelaus goes home with Helen, apparently having won. But in the Odyssey, he is a shadow of his former self, is ridiculed by his subjects, and despised by Helen. No respect.

Troy has been sacked and burned. King Priam, who has lost both his sons in the war, is killed in the mayhem. The Trojans are mostly slaughtered. Helen has lost her lover, Paris, and is now forced to live with the man she hates .Achilles, Paris and Hector have all lost their lives. However, all three gained eternal glory for their parts in the war.

Odysseus, because he angered Poseidon when he blinded his son, the cyclops Polyphemus, and bragged about it, is forced to wander for another 10 years. His crew are all killed during his various misadventures. Even after 7 of those 10 years as the lover of the beautiful goddess Calypso, he desires to return to ancient Greek. Men were expected to cheat while on business trips, to Penelope, his wife, and Telemachus, his son, a young man whom Odysseus only knew as an infant. When, despite all odds, he does return, he finds his wife pressured to acknowledge his death and marry one of a number of suitors who want Odysseus's kingdom. They sit around his home, eating his food and generally disrespecting his

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